Donau-City-Straße 6, 1020 Vienna
telephone: +43 1 33 69 069
Register number: 388264b
Firmenbuchgericht Vienna
UID Number: ATU67642456
DVR: 4010715
Member of the Austrian Economic Chamber Vienna: Unternehmensberatung und Vermögensberatung
commercial regulations: Gewerbeordnung ( Freiwillige Verhaltensrichtlinien:
We recognize the Internet Ombudsman as extrajudicial dispute resolution in: Internet Ombudsmann, Margaretenstr. 70/2/10, 1050 Wien,
Account details:
Depositor: CONDA AG
IBAN: AT111500004351444551
You can reach our customer service from Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. by email
YIELD Public Relations
Nikolaus Pjeta
+43 (0)676 94840 12
Alexander Jaros
+43 (0)676 780 48 28
The acquisition of an investment involves considerable risks and can lead to the complete loss of the invested assets. Basically, the higher the return or the return, the greater the risk of loss.
Disclosure acc. to §25 Media Act
Donau-City-Straße 6, 1220 Vienna
Ing. Daniel Horak, MSc.
DI MMag Paul Pöltner
The purpose of the business is management consultancy as well as the provision of a platform for raising company capital through crowd-investing.
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All texts on the home page of CONDA are checked carefully. Despite this there can be no guarantee given regarding the accuracy or completeness of this information or that it is up-to-date. CONDA AG accepts no liability for this. The links to other websites were carefully selected. As CONDA has no influence over the content of these sites, CONDA AG, Österreich and CONDA Deutschland Crowdinvesting GmbH, München accept no responsibility for said content.
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