Why have I decided to join CONDA’s CRWD Network?


I have spent most of my career in financial services. I rode the banking wave of the 90s and 2000s. I also saw the same industry slowly die in our hands by becoming a huge, inefficient system of bureaucrats. Well, it was good while it lasted, but that also taught me a valuable lesson. If market players do not develop and evolve with the market, they will become obsolete. Market change and progress cannot be stopped, ever. Only those who recognize change and add value will, in the long run, survive and thrive.

After only-so-many structured deals, equity, debt and convertibles, it was absolutely natural that something new and interesting, like ICO (initial coin offering), would draw my attention. I have no shame in admitting that it was love at first sight. I loved the dynamics, the shift from the old paradigm, and the fresh air that came with bringing decision-making closer to those who actually own the money. On the other hand, my entrepreneurial side could not believe the amazing way to help great tech ideas grow from 0 to series B in one stroke. It all looked like a win-win situation.

However, the weakest link in the blockchain world, the human link, has proven to be a challenge again. All sorts of people were attracted to officially unregulated space. Many good players tried to bring in self-regulations and succeeded, but the space remained to be perceived as generally unregulated. At the same time, some individuals used this amazing new form of financing for their own ill-gotten gains. We have all witnessed the pump-and-dump game that exploded around January. Sure, the regulators woke up and started coordinating this space; but still, the hype of the ICO market was still there. This was damaging for the industry, and at the same time, such an amazing breakthrough of a financial instrument in its infancy. The ICOs suddenly shifted from tech to the marketing and PR side. Don’t get me wrong; I do appreciate good marketing and PR. How else would anyone hear about one’s product, if there were no good marketing? But still, the marketing experts and whole ecosystem were driving the cost of the ICO beyond the reach of those for whom it was invented. Should I mention the legal costs as well? On the other hand, you do want to do your homework and check all legal angles. In the end, no one wants to spend the rest of their days in jail. “Startupy” office sounds much better than jail, doesn’t it? Should I mention the cost of the various advisors, rating experts, listings, Ryan Gosling-developers, and so on and so forth?

At one moment, while being approached by hundreds of potential upcoming ICOs, I wondered how it’s possible for a young and smart team with good tech solutions to do an ICO. The initial investment seemed to be skyrocketing, and it is not going down with the rise of the security token, on the contrary. I have met dedicated teams with great ideas, and high ethical standards that would prefer to get step-by-step funding in order to raise funds for the growth phase. That sounds so logical; but sometimes, it seems an almost impossible idea with the way the ICO market has been shaping up.

And then, I met Daniel Horak from CONDA. CONDA is a successful crowd-investing platform that deployed more than EUR 20 m, and helped several-hundred companies fundraise in its five years of existence. Impressive, isn’t it? Daniel introduced me to the CRWD Network concept, and I loved it from day one. That’s exactly what was missing in the current market development phase!

CONDA has already developed a protocol that will enable the teams with great ideas to issue security tokens in an absolutely regulated and friendly environment. To add to the value, the CRWD Network also developed an ecosystem that will validate all participants: from token issuers, service providers to investors. It will be easy to reach good, quality service providers of all forms to power your ICO. And on top of everything, while the crowd sale of CRWD Network is in preparation, Daniel and his cofounder, Paul — together with the whole team – are getting all relevant licenses and regulatory approvals which may be needed.

CRWD Network is your gateway to fundraising at your own speed, and with all the help you might need, to make that great idea come true. You will do all that in a regulated and compliant-friendly environment with vetted peer projects and an approved investor’s network. To me, this seems attractive, not just to the companies, but also the investors. It removes many problems blockchain ventures are facing with the cacophony existing in the market now.

Now, you can see why I could not wait to join the team that is bringing something so needed to this new world. Going back to my start, CONDA team has recognised the trend and decided to move, grow and develop while helping others do the same. I have no doubt they will thrive!

I support Conda CRWD Network token sale. If you want to benefit from the pre-sale favorable conditions be so kind to purchase tokens directly by clicking on this LINK or send me an E-Mail for more details.